Documentation of the Emergent Architecture of the EU H2020 Project “Integrated Climate Adaptation Service Tools for Improving Resilience Measure Efficiency” - CLARITY.
The Explicit Architecture of the CLARITY CSIS is documented in CLARITY deliverable D4.2 CLARITY CSIS Architecture
The documentation of the Emergent Architecture is summarised in CLARITY deliverables D1.3 “CLARITY CSIS” and D4.3 “Technology Support Report”
The general Product Backlog of the CSIS is maintained in the Management Repository “csis”.
The specification of Building Blocks and Technology Choices are maintained in this GitHub repository and available at
The Reference Modelling Workflow describes the technical implementation of the EU-GL/CLARITY Modelling Methodology in the CLARITY CSIS and is summarised in CLARITY deliverables D1.3 “CLARITY CSIS” and D3.2 Science Support Report.