
Catalogue of Elements at Risk and Adaptation Options

The Catalogue of Elements at Risk and Adaptation Options is strongly linked to the EU-GL modules/steps “Characterise Hazard”, “Evaluate Exposure”, “Vulnerability Analysis”, “Assess Risks and Impact” and “Identify Adaptation Options” (see Figure 20) as the actions to be carried out in these steps (except for “Characterise Hazard”) are based on the respective elements at risk types or inventories of elements at risk.

The currently identified elements at risk per demonstration area vary. A more detailed look at the elements at risk per demonstration case is required which will be conducted as one of the next actions. As of now, the Catalogue of Elements at Risk and Adaptation Options is expected to support three distinct scenarios:

1) Basic pre-feasibility study: At this point, only very rough hazard maps are available. Consequently, there is no point in knowing the exact locations of the elements at risk in a project, or even their detailed characteristics. All we need at this level is to indicate which main element at risk types there are in the project (e.g. people, buildings, critical infrastructure, etc.) and roughly estimate the vulnerability of these basic element types to the main hazards that are expected to occur in the project area.

2) Advanced pre-feasibility study[3]: At this point, we already have precise hazard maps and therefore need the actual positions of the elements at risk (element at risk inventories) to come up with a better estimate of the involved risks. Wherever possible, the elements at risk used in the project should be associated with more detailed sub-types. As a result, the service will be able to provide improved estimates of the vulnerabilities and of the adaptation options (e.g. their cost and the effect(s) they have on vulnerabilities of elements to different hazards or on their exposure).

3) The Expert Services support: there is a limit to the quality of the information that can be offered by the advanced pre-feasibility study. To reach beyond this limit, the experts must be consulted, e.g. to re-calculate the hazards for specific adaptation and climate scenarios[4]. Experts can also be consulted to improve and extend the catalogue of elements at risk and adaptation options with the project-specific entries, or to perform a fully-fledged impact study offline and upload the results to CSIS.

One of the functionalities which are required for the advanced pre-feasibility study and for the expert services support is the import of the site-specific data. Users should be able to upload elements at risk inventories (e.g. inventory of buildings) to a Data Repository (7.4) and/or may purchase already existing datasets in the Marketplace (7.6). Experts should be able to upload the results of their work, e.g. detailed information on elements at risk and adaptation options or project-specific hazards maps[5]. One of the challenges will be to identify a generic workflow which nevertheless is specific enough to cater to all user needs. E.g. to best enable users to add/edit/link vulnerability classes to the single elements at risk from a complete element at risk inventory which they upload, two options have been identified:

1) Enforce a specific data structure (e.g. predefined categories, like vulnerability classes etc.) and format which users must use to upload elements at risk inventories.

2) Let users upload their data first, and then link the respective columns/fields to the categories (e.g. predefined vulnerability classes) which being used/understood by CSIS.

The functionalities requested by the CSIS- and DC User Stories and Test Cases are described in the next chapter. Current works focus on the understanding of the relationships between elements at risk types/inventories, their vulnerability classes and vulnerability functions, how to best store them and their relationships and how to then calculate exposure, vulnerability, risk and impact.

Requested functionality

Baseline requirements elicitation and the assessment of presently available Test Cases have yielded the following functional requirements for this Building Block:

Baseline functionality

Functionality requested by CSIS Test Cases

Functionality requested by DC Test Cases

Exploitation Requirements assessment

The assessment of the Exploitation Requirements [11] identified the following concrete technical and functional implications on this Building Block:

Technology support

Figure 16 gives an overview on the technological possibilities and the related backend software component that has been selected for the Technology Support Plan.

Figure 9: Catalogue of Elements at Risk and Adaptation Options Technology Support

In CLARITY, the AIT EMIKAT will be used for the implementation of the Catalogue of Elements at Risk and Adaptation Options which will be conducted in Task 4.2, as it is also able to provide the requested functionalities as well as the functionalities which are required by the different characteristics of the elements at risk.

The system is capable of handling geo-data (e.g. points, lines, grids, political areas, etc.) which could be especially relevant for the handling of the elements at risk (e.g. points for building locations, lines for roads/transport networks, grids for population densities, etc. The background exists and is usable with minor adaptations.

EMIKAT also manages calculation models for the data in a consistent way. All results can be displayed as graphical results or shapes. Exports/communication can be via WFS or WMS service results (OGC compatible GeoServer data store), REST interface, Shape Files, Excel tables or CSV. The EMIKAT system is fully generic and capable of handling many types of data and models with spatial or temporal properties. This was demonstrated also in the CRISMA project, by using EMIKAT as a software base (http://crisma-cat.ait.ac.at/model/Population%20exposure%20model) for the population exposure model calculations and visualisation.

Besides it´s use for the Catalogue of Elements at Risk and Adaptation Options EMIKAT could provide models and data which might be relevant for or offered as an Expert Climate Service: In other projects, EMIKAT is often being used to calculate the state of air quality and the amount of air pollutants / Green-House-Gas-Emissions at certain locations at a given moment of time / period for different adaptation scenarios and then visualize the different results on a map and within an automatically generated report.

For a more detailed description of EMIKAT, please see Annex 1 and the EMIKAT project website www.emikat.atwww.emikat.at.