
Data Repository

This Building Block represents a set of generic data repositories that can be used to store, manage, and retrieve different types of (file based) datasets. Among others, this Building Block is used to facilitate the sharing of datasets between users and providers of Climate Services. Different types of data repositories can be used to easily serve data in standards compliant way so that other Building Blocks and Climate Services may use them for further processing like viewing (e.g. Map Component Building Block, see 5.1) or editing. Information about the actual datasets that are managed in different data repositories can be stored in a dedicated metadata catalogue (3.2) to facilitate discoverability and dissemination of data.

Requested functionality

Baseline requirements elicitation and the assessment of presently available Test Cases have yielded the following functional requirements for this Building Block:

Baseline functionality

Functionality requested by CSIS Test Cases

Functionality requested by DC Test Cases

Exploitation Requirements assessment

The assessment of the Exploitation Requirements [11] identified the following concrete technical and functional implications on this Building Block:

Technology support

Figure 37 gives an overview on the technological possibilities and the related open-source backend software components that have been selected for the Technology Support Plan.

Figure 37: Data Repository Technology Support

The CLARITY Data Management Plan [9] and the demonstrator specific data collection in D2.1 “Demonstration and Validation Methodology” [14] identified the following major data formats that are relevant for CLARITY Climate Services and that should be made accessible in a standards-compliant way:

With respect to the data integration approach of the SUDPLAN Scenario Management System described in Annex 1 and Technology Support Plan of the Map Component Building (5.1.2), datasets available in the aforementioned raster and vector data formats will be made available via OGC service interfaces. These standardised interfaces are mainly:

Several free and open source solutions available implement (no only) the respective OGC standards and support the different data formats commonly used and produced by Climate Service. For CLARITY, the popular products GeoServer and ERDAPP have been selected.

